Is my child dyslexic? – British Dyslexia Association (
3. What can we do to support dyslexic pupils
In addition, here are some more videos which can give more information about dyslexia and the experiences of dyslexic pupils.
We realise that for our dyslexic pupils, their self-esteem and resilience can be massively impacted. This video talks about this.
Free Webinar Understanding stress and anxiety within dyslexic children and building resilience – YouTube
These websites contain a wealth of information about dyslexia for you to gain further understanding;
Hello! | Dyslexia Unwrapped by Dyslexia Scotland
British Dyslexia Association (
Driver Youth Trust: Supporting teachers & learners with literacy difficulties
The following links provide advice to parents about supporting the development of phonological awareness, memory, reading, writing, spelling and handwriting.
Top Tips on Reading, Handwriting, Spelling, Memory and Organisation | Parent Champions
Practical but fun strategies for supporting the learning of Spelling and Times tables – YouTube
A multi-sensory approach to reading (
Phonics Instruction: the Value of a Multi-sensory Approach | Reading Rockets
For pupils with dyslexia, alternative methods of recording can be very important as they move through the school. Typing is a really useful skill for children to develop. We use some of these resources;
Dance Mat Typing – BBC Bitesize
Learn to Type | Free Typing Tutor –
Some children experience difficulties with their vision in relation to their specific learning difficulty. This website gives further information about this.
Visual difficulties – British Dyslexia Association (
If you have ongoing concerns about your child, please contact us at school via you class teacher or directly on
We also recommend contacting the Dyslexia Association of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham who run many interesting courses and information evenings for parents
DABBGL – Dyslexia Association of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham (
If you wish to pursue a private dyslexia diagnosis for your child, this website lists local assessors- please contact Mrs. Read for further information.
Patoss Tutor Index (