Whole School Curriculum


Take a closer look

Our PSHE Curriculum Overview

Our aim is that all children:

  • know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle;
  • are aware of issues surrounding their own safety;
  • understand what makes for good relationships with others;
  • have respect for others;
  • be independent and responsible members of the school and wider community;
  • be positive and active members of a democratic society;
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.

Through high-quality teaching, we aim to ensure that all children leave Warren Road with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to keep themselves healthy and safe, build healthy relationships, reach their full potential and become lifelong learners that contribute successfully to society.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Education), the British Values and SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health) underpin all that we do at Warren Road. SEMH is closely linked to many aspects of the PSHE curriculum and so often goes hand in hand within our teaching.

Our teaching consists of 3 core themes that are taught through age-appropriate discussion, activities, visiting workshops and assemblies in each year group. These are: Relationships, Living in the wider world and Health & Wellbeing. PSHE is taught as discreet lessons, as well as part of cross-curricular themes. Lessons are taught weekly in every class following a carefully designed spiral curriculum that gradually revisits and reintroduces topics at a deeper, more complex level at each Key Stage.

The curriculum has been designed using guidance from the PSHE Association and taking into account the government’s current and proposed statutory requirements.

Lessons are enhanced by additional visitors and initiatives such as A mind to be kind, The life education centre, Forest School and Anti-bullying workshops.