Christmas Fair 2024


Come and join the fun

Warren Road Christmas Fair Saturday 30th November, 11am – 3pm

The Christmas Fair website is now live! Click here to discover what’s on: Christmas Fair at Warren Road 2024 – here you’ll be able to pre-order entrance tickets, get discounts on  festive food, buy tokens (many stalls will be cashless this year), buy Christmas Hamper Raffle tickets and get advance bookings on Santa’s Grotto and Gaming Tent (both of which sold out very quickly last year).

We are now recruiting volunteers for the day and will need many of you to come and help for an hour, 2 or more. It’s always fun to be on a stall, see the faces of the excited children and be part of the team which makes these events possible. If you can help, click here to fill out a short form Christmas Volunteer Form 2024 or email us at . Without enough volunteers we won’t be able to put on everything that is planned so please if you’re coming to the fair anyway, consider helping out for a bit too.

This year we have teamed up with for those of you who are looking to buy a real tree this Christmas. Trees can be pre-ordered online and delivered locally or picked up from Bromley FC. £5 of every tree sold will be donated to the school – just remember to choose Warren Road Primary School when you order.

Any questions regarding the Christmas Fair can be emailed to, or speak to Donna Lam or one of the Christmas Team.

Cakes and bakes wanted!

We would like some delicious cakes / cookies / mince pies to sell at the Christmas Fair. Homemade ones would be lovely but shop bought are also much needed. If you are making your own, please can you provide a list of ingredients and label your box (if you want it back!). Remember no nuts or sesame seeds.

Please bring these to school on Friday 29th November.

Donations of toys, games, books and soft toys are still being collected – please take these to the PTA shed or leave donations in the purple PTA wheelie bins by reception or on the main playground.